Time management

  1. Time is your most important resource; it's all you really have to sell.
  2. Time is perishable; it cannot be saved, only spent.
  3. Time is irreplaceable; nothing else will do - especially in relationships.
  4. Time is essential for accomplishment; your time usage determines the quality of your life.
  5. Time management is a skill, like any other, that can and must be learned.
  6. The most important quality for time management is self-discipline, self-mastery and self-control.
  7. The most vital element in a positive mental attitude is a "sense of control".
  8. Time management enables you to control the sequence of events - the secret of success.
  9. You are always free to choose what you do first, what you do second, what you do not do at all..
  10. Your choices and decisions determine the direction of your life and all you achieve. Is it time to make new ones?.

Found in a sample file belonging to a Lotus Organizer distribution

Schlagwörter: time management attitude discipline success

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Herbert Klaeren